Pathways World School, Aravali recently conducted a workshop on ‘Effective Teaching Learning Strategies’ for teachers in the nearby village schools. The aim of the workshop was to share good classroom practices and strategies with teachers who do not have access to quality training options. The training program was held on the school campus on 2nd April 2011, facilitated by four Primary School members- Ms. Rima Singh, Ms. Monica Bhimwal, Ms Komal Dua and Ms. Gunjan Tomar. There were 23 enthusiastic participants from five different government schools located in the vicinity. The engagements planned were very interactive and focussed on the importance of collaborative and play way method of learning. The day commenced with a self reflection by the participants on the most satisfying teaching experience in their teaching career and the most challenging, which was shared and analysed to arrive at the understanding that what students learn is important but what holds more significance is how they learn. The participants were familiarised with many learning strategies and games which were practical, engaging for students and most importantly student centred. The engagements were followed by a reflection on how their students can benefit from these and how these can be used in their classrooms. In spite of the many limitations and the disadvantaged circumstances faced by these teachers, they were quite receptive to new ideas and contributed actively to all engagements. The positive responses received were worth the time and effort invested by the facilitators in planning, to make this workshop relevant, significant and accessible for all teachers. We are confident that such continued service initiatives in the future will benefit these less privileged students in their learning journey and will help develop enthusiastic and self-motivated learners.
Article By: Monica Bhimwal
Early Years Coordinator
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