The Pathways follows the
level of the international baccalaureate schools and enhance the creativity of the students that includes openness to
new concept and ideas, curiosity, persistence, metaphorical thinking, and many
more. Physical attributes that support the expression of creativity include
high energy level, well-coordination, and good visual power. Pathways are one
of the best
schools in Delhi having
the main objective of creative additional activities to bring out the best
talent of the student & develop the same.
Elementary level guidance and support have
traditionally been places where utmost creative knowledge and thinking have
introduced than in further stages of education. Apart from fundamental knowledge, the curriculum of
the best boarding schools in India includes emphasis on top level thinking,
personality enhancements, and all physical and mental attributes that impact
the development of hidden creative talent and expertise
The Pathways promotes
creativity through arts, music, sports and problem solving in various parts of
study giving a great opportunity to display additional talent. It is observed
that various people who never make a part of such sort of creative activities
tend to become introvert or shy.