Teachers Play
Role Play by the PYP teachers on essential elements of a book and teachers personified each element. The highlight of the play was teachers dressed up as characters from different genres.
Book Fair by Scholastic
Children learnt how to choose books of their level and interest and we saw them reading blurbs!!
Sharing a story with Early Learners and we saw most the children from KG and Grade buy the same book at the Book Exhibition.
Form 5 introduced the happenings in the Book Week to the whole school in a special assembly on Tuesday.
Buddy Reading
Two children reading to one another. If the child was younger, student tried and picked up cues from picture.
As a finale of the Literary Week, children dressed up in their favourite book character and enjoyed introducing themselves.
Literary Week
Reading is the basic foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. You can read almost anything including encyclopedias, novels, dailies, magazines…the list is pretty long, but that hardly matters, as long as you like doing it. Whether you like fiction or non-fiction is not important, but whether you like reading or not is! But children are often too busy with their computer games and television, whereas adults are glued on to their computer screen, amassing the wealth of knowledge through Internet search engines. Reading does have its loyal fan following, but the fan base is rapidly decreasing. We at Pathways, have made a studied attempt at increasing this fan base through our literary week celebrated from 4th December to 10th December.
The growing Caterpillar
A Caterpillar’s was put up in the school Aangan. Every time a child read a book. He wrote a little reflection on a pre cut circle that was added to the Caterpillar’s face, thus grew the caterpillar. He had his own spurts of growth. If his length is any indicator of the success of the reading week, we have succeeded with our objective.
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