Saturday 22nd January, 2011, 9 am. It was cold and misty and the air had a magical quality as an eager group of students and teachers, lead by Ms Barkha Bhambhani and Mr Rajiv Sharma, set out for a bird watching trek. This was the second trek organised in this academic year. The students came armed with paper, pencils, binoculars, cameras, and one child even had Salim Ali’s book, ‘Birds of the Indian Subcontinent’.
We started off by first identifying a Common Myna that had decided to perch on the electrical wires running along the boundary walls of the school and the Blue Rock Pigeon sitting in an alcove built into the school building wall. We traversed across muddy paths and grassy fields to an isolated area where the students settled down to quietly spot and identify more species of birds.
Students encountered a Red Wattled Lapwing sitting and posing for us. They also spotted the Rufous Backed Shrike, some beautiful Rose Ringed Parakeets perched on the electric wire and some Small Wagtails, Indian Robin, Bush Chat and Little Brown Doves. Background music was provided by the king of birds, the Peacock, who made us aware of its presence but did not show up.
Article By: Dimpu Sharma
Principal, Middle School
Pathways Gurgaon
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